English Bible[BR]

1 Kings Total 22 Chapters[BR]

1 Kings

1 Kings Chapter[BR] 8
1 Kings Chapter[BR] 8

1 King Solomon called for the older leaders of Israel, the heads of the tribes, and the leaders of the families to come to him in Jerusalem. He wanted them to bring the Ark of the Agreement with the Lord from the older part of the city.

2 So all the Israelites came together with King Solomon during the festival in the month of Ethanim, the seventh month.

1 Kings Chapter[BR] 8

3 When all the older leaders of Israel arrived, the priests lifted up the Ark.

4 They carried the Ark of the Lord, the Meeting Tent, and the holy utensils; the priests and the Levites brought them up.

5 King Solomon and all the Israelites gathered before the Ark and sacrificed so many sheep and cattle no one could count them all.

1 Kings Chapter[BR] 8

6 Then the priests put the Ark of the Agreement with the Lord in its place inside the Most Holy Place in the Temple, under the wings of the golden creatures.

7 The wings of these creatures were spread out over the place for the Ark, covering it and its carrying poles.

8 The carrying poles were so long that anyone standing in the Holy Place in front of the Most Holy Place could see the ends of the poles, but no one could see them from outside the Holy Place. The poles are still there today.

1 Kings Chapter[BR] 8

9 The only things inside the Ark were two stone tabletsn that Moses had put in the Ark at Mount Sinai. That was where the Lord made his agreement with the Israelites after they came out of Egypt.

10 When the priests left the Holy Place, a cloud filled the Temple of the Lord.

11 The priests could not continue their work, because the Temple was filled with the glory of the Lord.

1 Kings Chapter[BR] 8

12 Then Solomon said, "The Lord said he would live in a dark cloud.

13 Lord, I have truly built a wonderful Temple for you -- a place for you to live forever."

14 While all the Israelites were standing there, King Solomon turned to them and blessed them.

15 Then he said, "Praise the Lord, the God of Israel. He has done what he promised to my father David. The Lord said,

1 Kings Chapter[BR] 8

16 'Since the time I brought my people Israel out of Egypt, I have not chosen a city in any tribe of Israel where a temple will be built for me. But I have chosen David to lead my people Israel.'

17 "My father David wanted to build a temple for the Lord, the God of Israel.

18 But the Lord said to my father David, 'It was good that you wanted to build a temple for me.

1 Kings Chapter[BR] 8

19 But you are not the one to build it. Your son, who comes from your own body, is the one who will build my temple.'

20 "Now the Lord has kept his promise. I am the king now in place of David my father. Now I rule Israel as the Lord promised, and I have built the Temple for the Lord, the God of Israel.

21 I have made a place there for the Ark, in which is the Agreement the Lord made with our ancestors when he brought them out of Egypt."

1 Kings Chapter[BR] 8

22 Then Solomon stood facing the Lord's altar, and all the Israelites were standing behind him. He spread out his hands toward the sky

23 and said: "Lord, God of Israel, there is no god like you in heaven above or on earth below. You keep your agreement of love with your servants who truly follow you.

24 You have kept the promise you made to your servant David, my father. You spoke it with your own mouth and finished it with your hands today.

1 Kings Chapter[BR] 8

25 Now Lord, God of Israel, keep the promise you made to your servant David, my father. You said, 'If your sons are careful to obey me as you have obeyed me, there will always be someone from your family ruling Israel.'

26 Now, God of Israel, please continue to keep that promise you made to your servant David, my father.

27 "But, God, can you really live here on the earth? The sky and the highest place in heaven cannot contain you. Surely this house which I have built cannot contain you.

1 Kings Chapter[BR] 8

28 But please listen to my prayer and my request, because I am your servant. Lord my God, hear this prayer your servant prays to you today.

29 Night and day please watch over this Temple where you have said, 'I will be worshiped there.' Hear the prayer I pray facing this Temple.

30 Hear my prayers and the prayers of your people Israel when we pray facing this place. Hear from your home in heaven, and when you hear, forgive us.

1 Kings Chapter[BR] 8

31 "If someone wrongs another person, he will be brought to the altar in this Temple. If he swears an oath that he is not guilty,

32 then hear in heaven. Judge the case, punish the guilty, but declare that the innocent person is not guilty.

33 "When your people, the Israelites, sin against you, their enemies will defeat them. But if they come back to you and praise you and pray to you in this Temple,

1 Kings Chapter[BR] 8

34 then hear them in heaven. Forgive the sins of your people Israel, and bring them back to the land you gave to their ancestors.

35 "When they sin against you, you will stop the rain from falling on their land. Then they will pray, facing this place and praising you; they will stop sinning when you make them suffer.

36 When this happens, please hear their prayer in heaven, and forgive the sins of your servants, the Israelites. Teach them to do what is right. Then please send rain to this land you have given particularly to them.

1 Kings Chapter[BR] 8

37 "At times the land will become so dry that no food will grow, or a great sickness will spread among the people. Sometimes all the crops will be destroyed by locusts or grasshoppers. Your people will be attacked in their cities by their enemy or will become sick.

38 When any of these things happen, the people will become truly sorry. If your people spread their hands in prayer toward this Temple,

1 Kings Chapter[BR] 8

39 then hear their prayers from your home in heaven. Forgive and treat each person as he should be treated because you know what is in a person's heart. Only you know what is in everyone's heart.

40 Then your people will respect you as long as they live in this land you gave to our ancestors.