English Bible[BR]

1 Corinthians Total 16 Chapters[BR]

1 Corinthians

1 Corinthians Chapter[BR] 16
1 Corinthians Chapter[BR] 16

1 I want to tell you what to do about the money you are gathering for the Christians. Do the same as I told the churches in the country of Galatia to do.

2 On the first day of every week each of you should put aside some of your money. Give a certain part of what you have earned. Keep it there because I do not want money gathered when I come.

1 Corinthians Chapter[BR] 16

3 When I get there, I will give letters to the men you want to send. They will take your gift to Jerusalem.

4 If I can go, they can go with me.

5 I want to visit you after I have gone through the country of Macedonia for I am going through there.

6 I may be staying with you and even spend the winter with you. Then you can send me on my way to the next place.

1 Corinthians Chapter[BR] 16

7 I do not want to stop now. I want to spend some time with you when I can stay longer, if that is what the Lord wants.

8 I will stay in the city of Ephesus until the special day to remember how the Holy Spirit came on the church.

9 A wide door has been opened to me here to preach the Good News. But there are many who work against me.

1 Corinthians Chapter[BR] 16

10 If Timothy comes, receive him and help him so he will not be afraid. He is working for the Lord as I am.

11 Everyone should respect him. Send him on his way to me in peace. I expect to see him and some of the other Christians soon.

12 I wanted brother Apollos to go with the other Christians to visit you. But he is not sure he should go now. He will come when he can.

1 Corinthians Chapter[BR] 16

13 Watch and keep awake! Stand true to the Lord. Keep on acting like men and be strong.

14 Everything you do should be done in love.

15 You know that the families of Stephanas were the first Christians in the country of Greece. They are working for the Lord in helping His people.

16 I ask you to listen to leaders like these and work with them as well as others like them.

1 Corinthians Chapter[BR] 16

17 I am happy that Stephanas and Fortunatus and Achaicus came here. They have helped me and you would have also if you had been here.

18 They have made me happy. They would have made you happy also. Show them you are thankful for their help.

19 The churches in the countries of Asia say hello. Aquila and Priscilla and the Christians who meet in their house say hello with Christian love.

1 Corinthians Chapter[BR] 16

20 All the Christians here say hello to you. Say hello to each other with a kiss of holy love.

21 I, Paul, am writing the last part of this letter with my own hand.

22 If anyone does not love the Lord, let him be kept from being with Christ. The Lord is coming soon!

23 May you have the loving-favor of our Lord Jesus.

1 Corinthians Chapter[BR] 16

24 I love you all through Christ Jesus. Let it be so.