English Bible[BR]

1 Thessalonians Total 5 Chapters[BR]

1 Thessalonians

1 Thessalonians Chapter[BR] 4
1 Thessalonians Chapter[BR] 4

1 Christian brothers, we ask you, because of the Lord Jesus, to keep on living in a way that will please God. I have already told you how to grow in the Christian life.

2 The Lord Jesus gave us the right and the power to tell you what to do.

3 God wants you to be holy. You must keep away from sex sins.

4 God wants each of you to use his body in the right way by keeping it holy and by respecting it.

1 Thessalonians Chapter[BR] 4

5 You should not use it to please your own desires like the people who do not know God.

6 No man should do wrong to his Christian brother in anything. The Lord will punish a person who does. I have told you this before.

7 For God has not called us to live in sin. He has called us to live a holy life.

8 The one who turns away from this teaching does not turn away from man, but from God. It is God Who has given us His Holy Spirit.

1 Thessalonians Chapter[BR] 4

9 You do not need anyone to write to you about loving your Christian brothers. God has taught you to love each other.

10 You love all the Christians in all the country of Macedonia. But we ask you to love them even more.

11 Do your best to live a quiet life. Learn to do your own work well. We told you about this before.

1 Thessalonians Chapter[BR] 4

12 By doing this, you will be respected by those who are not Christians. Then you will not be in need and others will not have to help you.

13 Christian brothers, we want you to know for sure about those who have died. You have no reason to have sorrow as those who have no hope.

14 We believe that Jesus died and then came to life again. Because we believe this, we know that God will bring to life again all those who belong to Jesus.

1 Thessalonians Chapter[BR] 4

15 We tell you this as it came from the Lord. Those of us who are alive when the Lord comes again will not go ahead of those who have died.

16 For the Lord Himself will come down from heaven with a loud call. The head angel will speak with a loud voice. God's horn will give its sounds. First, those who belong to Christ will come out of their graves to meet the Lord.

1 Thessalonians Chapter[BR] 4

17 Then, those of us who are still living here on earth will be gathered together with them in the clouds. We will meet the Lord in the sky and be with Him forever.

18 Because of this, comfort each other with these words.