English Bible[BR]
Leviticus Total 27 Chapters[BR]
Leviticus Chapter[BR] 18
Leviticus Chapter[BR] 18
1 The Lord said to Moses,
2 "Say to the people of Israel, 'I am the Lord your God.
3 Do not do what is done in the land of Egypt where you lived. And do not do what is done in the land of Canaan where I am bringing you. Do not follow their laws.
4 You are to do what I say and keep My Laws and live by them. I am the Lord your God.
Leviticus Chapter[BR] 18
5 So keep My Laws and do what I say. If a man obeys them, My Laws will be life for him. I am the Lord.
6 'You should not go near a person of your own family to have sex. I am the Lord.
7 Do not put your father to shame by taking the clothes off your mother. She is your mother. Do not take her clothes off.
8 Do not take the clothes off your father's wife. Her body is for your father.
Leviticus Chapter[BR] 18
9 Do not take the clothes off your sister, the daughter of your father or of your mother, if she is born at home or away from home.
10 Do not take the clothes off your son's daughter or your daughter's daughter. For they are of your own family.
11 Do not take the clothes off your father's wife's daughter, born to your father. She is your sister.
Leviticus Chapter[BR] 18
12 Do not take the clothes off your father's sister. She is of your father's own family.
13 Do not take the clothes off your mother's sister. She is of your mother's own family.
14 Do not put your father's brother to shame. Do not go near to take the clothes off his wife. She is of your family.
15 Do not take the clothes off your daughter-inlaw. She is your son's wife. Do not take her clothes off.
Leviticus Chapter[BR] 18
16 Do not take the clothes off your brother's wife. Her body is for your brother.
17 Do not take the clothes off a woman and her daughter. And do not take the clothes off her son's daughter or her daughter's daughter. They are of her own family. It is sin.
18 While your wife is still living do not marry her sister making her as important to you. Do not take off her sister's clothes.
Leviticus Chapter[BR] 18
19 'And you are not to go near a woman to take off her clothes during the time when she has a flow of blood.
20 Do not have sex with your neighbor's wife. You would be unclean.
21 Do not give any of your children as a gift on an altar to the false god Molech. Do not put the name of your God to shame. I am the Lord.
22 Do not lie with a man as one lies with a woman. It is a sinful thing.
Leviticus Chapter[BR] 18
23 Do not have sex with any animal, or you will be unclean. And no woman should give herself to an animal to lie with it. It is a sin.
24 'Do not allow yourself to sin in any of these ways. For by doing all these things the nations that I am driving out in front of you became unclean.
25 For the land is unclean. So I have punished its sin. The land has spit out its people.
Leviticus Chapter[BR] 18
26 But as for you, you are to keep My Laws and do what I have decided. Do not do any of these sinful things, not you or the man who lives among you from another land.
27 For the men who have lived in the land before you have done all of these sinful things. The land is unclean.
28 Do none of these things or the land will spit you out when you make it sinful, as it has spit out the nation that was before you.
Leviticus Chapter[BR] 18
29 Whoever does any of these sinful things will be cut off from his people.
30 So do what I say. Do not do any of these sinful things that were done before you. Do not make yourselves sin by doing them. I am the Lord your God.' ''