English Bible[BR]
Genesis Total 50 Chapters[BR]
Genesis Chapter[BR] 21
Genesis Chapter[BR] 21
1 And Jehovah hath looked after Sarah as He hath said, and Jehovah doth to Sarah as He hath spoken;
2 and Sarah conceiveth, and beareth a son to Abraham, to his old age, at the appointed time that God hath spoken of with him;
3 and Abraham calleth the name of his son who is born to him, whom Sarah hath born to him -- Isaac;
Genesis Chapter[BR] 21
4 and Abraham circumciseth Isaac his son, *being a son of eight days, as God hath commanded him.
5 And Abraham *is a son of a hundred years in Isaac his son being born to him,
6 and Sarah saith, `God hath made laughter for me; every one who is hearing laugheth for me.`
Genesis Chapter[BR] 21
7 She saith also, `Who hath said to Abraham, Sarah hath suckled sons, that I have born a son for his old age?`
8 And the lad groweth, and is weaned, and Abraham maketh a great banquet in the day of Isaac`s being weaned;
9 and Sarah seeth the son of Hagar the Egyptian, whom she hath borne to Abraham, mocking,
10 and she saith to Abraham, `Cast out this handmaid and her son; for the son of this handmaid hath no possession with my son -- with Isaac.`
Genesis Chapter[BR] 21
11 And the thing is very wrong in the eyes of Abraham, for his son`s sake;
12 and God saith unto Abraham, `Let it not be wrong in thine eyes because of the youth, and because of thy handmaid: all that Sarah saith unto thee -- hearken to her voice, for in Isaac is a seed called to thee.
13 As to the son of the handmaid also, for a nation I set him, because he *is thy seed.`
Genesis Chapter[BR] 21
14 And Abraham riseth early in the morning, and taketh bread, and a bottle of water, and giveth unto Hagar (placing *it on her shoulder), also the lad, and sendeth her out; and she goeth on, and goeth astray in the wilderness of Beer-Sheba;
15 and the water is consumed from the bottle, and she placeth the lad under one of the shrubs.
Genesis Chapter[BR] 21
16 And she goeth and sitteth by herself over-against, afar off, about a bow-shot, for she said, `Let me not look on the death of the lad;` and she sitteth over-against, and lifteth up her voice, and weepeth.
17 And God heareth the voice of the youth; and the messenger of God calleth unto Hagar from the heavens, and saith to her, `What to thee, Hagar? fear not; for God hath hearkened unto the voice of the youth where he *is ;
Genesis Chapter[BR] 21
18 rise, lift up the youth, and lay hold on him with thy hand, for for a great nation I set him.`
19 And God openeth her eyes, and she seeth a well of water, and she goeth and filleth the bottle *with water, and causeth the youth to drink;
20 and God is with the youth, and he groweth, and dwelleth in the wilderness, and is an archer;
Genesis Chapter[BR] 21
21 and he dwelleth in the wilderness of Paran, and his mother taketh for him a wife from the land of Egypt.
22 And it cometh to pass at that time that Abimelech speaketh -- Phichol also, head of his host -- unto Abraham, saying, `God *is with thee in all that thou art doing;
23 and now, swear to me by God here: thou dost not lie to me, or to my continuator, or to my successor; according to the kindness which I have done with thee thou dost with me, and with the land in which thou hast sojourned.`
Genesis Chapter[BR] 21
24 And Abraham saith, `I -- I do swear.`
25 And Abraham reasoned with Abimelech concerning the matter of a well of water which Abimelech`s servants have taken violently away,
26 and Abimelech saith, `I have not known who hath done this thing, and even thou didst not declare to me, and I also, I have not heard save to-day.`
Genesis Chapter[BR] 21
27 And Abraham taketh sheep and oxen, and giveth to Abimelech, and they make, both of them, a covenant;
28 and Abraham setteth seven Lambs of the flock by themselves.
29 And Abimelech saith unto Abraham, `What *are they -- these seven lambs which thou hast set by themselves?`
Genesis Chapter[BR] 21
30 And he saith, `For -- the seven lambs thou dost accept from my hand, so that it becometh a witness for me that I have digged this well;`
31 therefore hath he called that place `Beer-Sheba,` for there have both of them sworn.
32 And they make a covenant in Beer-Sheba, and Abimelech riseth -- Phichol also, head of his host -- and they turn back unto the land of the Philistines;
Genesis Chapter[BR] 21
33 and *Abraham planteth a tamarask in Beer-Sheba, and preacheth there in the name of Jehovah, God age-during;
34 and Abraham sojourneth in the land of the Philistines many days.