English Bible[BR]

Psalms Total 150 Chapters[BR]


Psalms Chapter[BR] 129
Psalms Chapter[BR] 129

1 A Song of the Ascents. Often they distressed me from my youth, Pray, let Israel say:

2 Often they distressed me from my youth, Yet they have not prevailed over me.

3 Over my back have ploughers ploughed, They have made long their furrows.

4 Jehovah *is righteous, He hath cut asunder cords of the wicked.

Psalms Chapter[BR] 129

5 Confounded and turn backward do all hating Zion.

6 They are as grass of the roofs, That before it was drawn out withereth,

7 That hath not filled the hand of a reaper, And the bosom of a binder of sheaves.

8 And the passers by have not said, `The blessing of Jehovah *is on you, We blessed you in the Name of Jehovah!`

Psalms Chapter[BR] 129