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Job Chapter[BR] 7

1 and test him all the time? 2 Like a servant who desires to be out of the sun, and like a working man who waits for his pay, 3 I am given months of pain and nights of suffering for no reason. 4 When I lie down I say, 'When will I get up?' But the night is long, and I am always turning from side to side until morning. 5 My flesh is covered with worms and dirt. My skin becomes hard and breaks open. 6 My days are faster than a clothmaker's tool, and come to their end without hope. 7 "Remember that my life is only a breath. My eye will not again see good. 8 The eye of him who sees me will see me no more. Your eyes will be on me, but I will be gone. 9 When a cloud goes away, it is gone. And he who goes down to the place of the dead does not come back. 10 He will not return to his house, and his place will not know him any more. 11 "So I will not keep my mouth shut. I will speak in the suffering of my spirit. I will complain because my soul is bitter. 12 Am I the sea, or a large sea animal, that You put someone to watch me? 13 When I say, 'My bed will comfort me, and there I will find rest from my complaining,' 14 then You send dreams to me which fill me with fear. 15 So a quick death by having my breath stopped would be better to me than my pains. 16 I hate my life. I will not live forever. Leave me alone, for my days are only a breath. 17 What is man, that You make so much of him? Why do You care about him, 18 that You look at him every morning, h4Job 7/h4 19 How long will it be until You look away from me? Will You not let me alone until I swallow my spit? 20 Have I sinned? What have I done to You, O watcher of men? Why have you made me something to shoot at, so that I am a problem to myself? 21 Why then do You not forgive my wrong-doing and take away my sin? For now I will lie down in the dust. You will look for me, but I will not be."
1. and test him all the time? 2. Like a servant who desires to be out of the sun, and like a working man who waits for his pay, 3. I am given months of pain and nights of suffering for no reason. 4. When I lie down I say, 'When will I get up?' But the night is long, and I am always turning from side to side until morning. 5. My flesh is covered with worms and dirt. My skin becomes hard and breaks open. 6. My days are faster than a clothmaker's tool, and come to their end without hope. 7. "Remember that my life is only a breath. My eye will not again see good. 8. The eye of him who sees me will see me no more. Your eyes will be on me, but I will be gone. 9. When a cloud goes away, it is gone. And he who goes down to the place of the dead does not come back. 10. He will not return to his house, and his place will not know him any more. 11. "So I will not keep my mouth shut. I will speak in the suffering of my spirit. I will complain because my soul is bitter. 12. Am I the sea, or a large sea animal, that You put someone to watch me? 13. When I say, 'My bed will comfort me, and there I will find rest from my complaining,' 14. then You send dreams to me which fill me with fear. 15. So a quick death by having my breath stopped would be better to me than my pains. 16. I hate my life. I will not live forever. Leave me alone, for my days are only a breath. 17. What is man, that You make so much of him? Why do You care about him, 18. that You look at him every morning, h4Job 7/h4 19. How long will it be until You look away from me? Will You not let me alone until I swallow my spit? 20. Have I sinned? What have I done to You, O watcher of men? Why have you made me something to shoot at, so that I am a problem to myself? 21. Why then do You not forgive my wrong-doing and take away my sin? For now I will lie down in the dust. You will look for me, but I will not be."
  • Psalms Chapter[BR] 1  
  • Psalms Chapter[BR] 2  
  • Psalms Chapter[BR] 3  
  • Psalms Chapter[BR] 4  
  • Psalms Chapter[BR] 5  
  • Psalms Chapter[BR] 6  
  • Psalms Chapter[BR] 7  
  • Psalms Chapter[BR] 8  
  • Psalms Chapter[BR] 9  
  • Psalms Chapter[BR] 10  
  • Psalms Chapter[BR] 11  
  • Psalms Chapter[BR] 12  
  • Psalms Chapter[BR] 13  
  • Psalms Chapter[BR] 14  
  • Psalms Chapter[BR] 15  
  • Psalms Chapter[BR] 16  
  • Psalms Chapter[BR] 17  
  • Psalms Chapter[BR] 18  
  • Psalms Chapter[BR] 19  
  • Psalms Chapter[BR] 20  
  • Psalms Chapter[BR] 21  
  • Psalms Chapter[BR] 22  
  • Psalms Chapter[BR] 23  
  • Psalms Chapter[BR] 24  
  • Psalms Chapter[BR] 25  
  • Psalms Chapter[BR] 26  
  • Psalms Chapter[BR] 27  
  • Psalms Chapter[BR] 28  
  • Psalms Chapter[BR] 29  
  • Psalms Chapter[BR] 30  
  • Psalms Chapter[BR] 31  
  • Psalms Chapter[BR] 32  
  • Psalms Chapter[BR] 33  
  • Psalms Chapter[BR] 34  
  • Psalms Chapter[BR] 35  
  • Psalms Chapter[BR] 36  
  • Psalms Chapter[BR] 37  
  • Psalms Chapter[BR] 38  
  • Psalms Chapter[BR] 39  
  • Psalms Chapter[BR] 40  
  • Psalms Chapter[BR] 41  
  • Psalms Chapter[BR] 42  



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